Comfortable development process includes running two separate servers:

  • Django runserver (python runserver) on port 8000
  • React NodeJS development server (npm run start) on port 3000

Those two servers have file monitoring and automatic reload/live patch on code change.

PyCharm IDE

If you develop on in IDE such as PyCharm, start 2 PyCharm instances and open each project in different directories

Open PyCharm in project root

Create virtualenv interpreter with Python 3.7
Configure run command as "python ./ runserver"


Open PyCharm in /frontend/

Configure run command as npm run start

Initialize database


# Migrate database. Run once to initialize database and after you add any migrations
python ./ migrate

# Create superuser
python ./ createsuperuser

# Optional. Initialize default guacd server reference
python ./  initguacd

# Optional. Initialize user groups
python ./  initgroups

# Optional Generate new field encryption key to use in FIELD_ENCRYPTION_KEY value
python ./ generate_encryption_key

Connect to development servers

Connect to http://localhost:3000/ to open React App
Connect to http://localhost:8000/admin/ to open Django Admin

Calls to django urls (/admin/, /api/, /tunnelws/) will be proxied by react development server (see frontend/src/setupProxy.js)


Start stack

You can also start development environment as a docker compose stack.

Inside project root run

docker-compose up --build

This will create a stack of containers: - django - react - db - guacd

On build:
- Django container on build will copy requirements*.txt files and install Python dependencies using pip install -r - React container will copy package.json and package-lock.json and install dependencies using npm install

On docker-compose up: - Django container will have /guacozy_server/ mounted as /app/ - React container will have /frontend/ mounted as /frontend/

After starting you have to initialize database (migration) and create superuser
Open another terminal and go to project folder.

Initialize database


# Migrate database. Run once to initialize database and after you add any migrations
docker-compose exec django python ./ migrate

# Create superuser
docker-compose exec django python ./ createsuperuser

# Optional. Initialize default guacd server reference
docker-compose exec django python ./  initguacd

# Optional. Initialize user groups
docker-compose exec django python ./  initgroups

# Optional Generate new field encryption key to use in FIELD_ENCRYPTION_KEY value
docker-compose exec django python ./ generate_encryption_key

Connect to development servers

Connect to http://localhost:3000/ to open React App
Connect to http://localhost:8000/admin/ to open Django Admin

Calls to django urls (/admin/, /api/, /tunnelws/) will be proxied by react development server (see frontend/src/setupProxy.js)