Guacozy can be used with multiple guacd servers, which is convenient when you have isolated environments, where you place guacd inside and only allow guacozy >> guacd in firewall.

This way you don't have to create multiple rules guacozy >> servers

Later you add guacd server in Administration and refer to it when specifying a Connection


To start additional guacd you can use docker

docker run --restart always -p 4822:4822 guacamole/guacd


Or if you are on CentOS 7 you can use epel-release

yum install epel-release
yum install guacd

# Enable guacd to listen on all (or specify desired) interfaces
# By defaut guacd listens on

echo "OPTS='-l 4822 -b'" >> /etc/sysconfig/guacd

# Enable/start
systemctl enable --now guacd

# Check status
systemctl status guacd

# Check that guacd is listening
netstat -pteln | grep guacd

Build from sources

If you feel adventurous, you can build guacamole from sources and use guacd from build.

Follow official documentation here